Monthly Archives: June 2013

I now have a Cankle


Yes, that is right.  I have ONE Cankle.  And for those who don’t know what a Cankle is (MOM!) it is when your calf meets your ankle and there is no definition.

Why, you ask?

Because I tripped over my 2 year olds toy phone and landed perfectly on my ankle, spraining it and causing a hair-line fracture.   Great.  Just Great.

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Suvivorship Clinic and Lymphedema Surgery


I can not believe how long it has been since I have blogged!   Oh how I missed this!

First off, a few weeks ago I went to Yale to attend their Survivorship Clinic.  I LOVED it!  Seriously, if you have had cancer and your hospital offers something like this to you…do it.  I met with my Oncologist and her nurse to go over everything from vitamins I should be taking to the break down of all the treatments I have had, what the risks are for them and what to look out for in the future (cancers those treatments can cause, etc).  They even told me exactly what I needed to be screened for in the coming years, example: my echocardiogram I am doing next month to check my heart and the damage the chemo did to it.  Sounds like a scary appt.  But it was my least scariest appt so far.  I like being armed with knowledge about my cancer, my risks.  In other words, it was all about ME and MY cancer for once and not, “well this is what we do if you are Stage 3….”

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