Tag Archives: vortex

Cheers to 2015!


A few years ago, Rachael would have looked at 2014 and been horrified!  She would have been trying to control her life so much, and based her worth so much on success, that she would have felt like a failure.  Financially, physically, health and success….a failure.

I am happy to see that Rachael departed years ago and it has been exciting to see a new Rachael emerge.  I have worked so hard this year to make big changes in myself, which in turn created big changes not only in my life, but that of my husband and children too.

This year we started off with a bang!  In the first 7 months of 2014 we got all the bad out of the way!  2 Surgeries for me and finding out cancer once again entered our lives, a heart attack and triple bypass (open heart) surgery for my 37-year-old hubby, and a Dr. telling me I had 24 months to live.

Thank goodness that is over and done with.  And not only is it over and done with, but it is history!  We have successfully moved past all that had happened and we are making major strides to optimum health once again!

I said a big FU to cancer sometime in March.  I was so infuriated that it had come back and that my Oncologist did not believe I could change my health by changing my life….I found a new medical team that I pieced together one by one and I swore I would change my diagnosis.

And I did.

This girl has a lot more than 24 months to live.  By walking away from conventional treatment and going with my gut on every single decision that was best for MY body…I have stopped the cancer.  The Dr’s can’t explain why all of a sudden the cancer has stabilized, why it hasn’t moved a centimeter in over 10 months.  But I can.

So many people have asked me what I have changed in my life, which in turn stopped cancer.  I firmly believe that anyone can change their life.  You just need to be open to it. And you need to work at it, 200%, and then more when that stops working.  And you need to not only want it, but envision it, imagine your life when you are cancer free.

But the most amazing thing about all of this?  What I am going to share with you can change your life, even if you don’t have cancer.  If you have anxiety, depression, financial issues, issues parenting your children…the list goes on.  Basically, if you have an issue, it can be fixed.  And the tool is you. YOU.  Change YOU and the issue will change.  I promise you.

1.  It is only an issue because you allow it be.  Harsh to read, I know.  Your first reaction is going to be, “What?  That is not true!  I didn’t make this happen to me!   I didn’t make my car break down and my checks to bounce.  Or, I didn’t make my child not listen to me.  Or, I didn’t make myself get cancer!”

Yes.  Yes you did.  It starts first with your thought and moves to your emotion.  If you start thinking about one small thing, that one small thought creates a vibration.  And each time you think about that one small thought, it creates more and more vibrations, and these vibrations go out to the world, the universe, and the universe will always respond to those vibrations by “gifting” you what you are sending out there.  Hence, the car breaking down, or your child not listening to you, or disease.  By focusing on one small thought, which normally starts as an irritation, you are sending your energy to that negative thought/feeling/emotion and in turn it creates your “gift.”  So by focusing on that little sound in your car that might sound broken, or the constant moments of your child not listening, or the constant fear of you not being your healthy self, it sends those message out and when they come back to you, it becomes a larger issue.  But you asked for it.  By focusing your attention on negative OR positive, you will always receive a gift.  Always.

2. Intention.  What you give your attention to, you will receive.  In my case it was cancer.  I feared cancer for almost 2 years after finishing my last cancer treatment.  I was petrified of its return.  And lo and behold, it returned.  When I started doing work with energy and life coaching, I started to understand that my thoughts were so much bigger than what I thought they were.  I feared so much that I created it.  When I realized this, I changed my thoughts.  It was hard.  And the hardest part for me was to admit that I created this in my life.  Once I did, I started to move forward. It was constant work throughout the day.  But by changing my thoughts, I changed my health.  It can be done.  I have a ton of CAT Scans and MRI’s to prove it.  🙂

There is a basic exercise you can do.  Anytime you notice a thought that is not positive, that creates anything other than happiness (ex. anxious or anger or whatever) you can use this tool to stop yourself, stop that vibration and create a new one.  You will always receive a “gift” from the universe regardless, let’s make it a good one.

Exercise: Stop. Repeat your thought to yourself.  Now change it.  Flip it into a positive.

A book I have been reading on this subject is: The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Since starting this process, I have made tremendous changes in my life, that have now traveled through to my husband and our children’s lives too.  It has been so amazing to watch it all unfold.  Sometimes it takes a life changing event to realize there needs to be some serious change in your life.  For me it was cancer.  For my husband it was his heart attack. And for you it can be anything (it doesn’t have to be a big event like our’s). When you let your thoughts continue as you have for most of your life, it creates a bigger issue, sometimes medical, sometimes financial, sometimes issues with your family.  And it will continue to happen your entire life if you do not stop it now.

Each thought you put out there will attract what you are thinking about.  I highly recommend listening to the teachings of Abraham Hicks.  Once you can get past the unusual part of how Abraham came to be, then you can really learn a lot from her lectures.

http://www.abraham-hicks.com  and you can also go to http://www.youtube.com and find Abraham Hicks video’s there.  She has some great one’s on stress, disease and weight loss too!

3. Codependency.  I am still working on this one.  I have done this my whole life and I didn’t even realize it until it was pointed out to me last month.  I strive to smooth the waters, to make other’s happy, to appease a stressful situation, to take control of a situation, make it better and then move on.  And these are all from codependency.  And codependency will wreak havoc on your health. At the time I thought I was doing a good thing, that I was being helpful and a good person. What I did not realize was I was sabotaging my own health by focusing all of my energy to make other’s happy. What I am learning is to move away from codependency, you need to “detach.”  Detach from the craziness, detach from the conversation that is upsetting you, detach a little from that moment or that person that is making you feel like you need to save them, detach from the negativity.

I was given a book that is well-known regarding this subject: Beyond Codependency by Melody Beattie

4. Visualization.  The fastest way to make a change in your life is to visualize it.  For me, it is picturing myself healthy, vibrant, fit and fabulous  🙂   And I picture myself years from now, playing on the beach with the kids and my hubby.  I imagine the details, how the wind feels in my hair, the sand between my toes, the splash of cold water from the ocean, the bright blue sky, the kids laughter as we build sand castles, my Husband’s huge grin and I imagine my face, my body, my smile like I am watching it all as a bystander.  And it feels amazing.

Not only does this change your mood instantly, but it also changes your vibrations.  It changes the vibration you are putting out to the world, and you will attract positive “gifts” coming back to you.  And they do come!  Tenfold!   For me it has been positive scan results, a decrease in medication, more energy, glowing skin, a happy mindset and so much more. And the more you change, and you pay attention to the positive things coming your way, you will start to see the little things start to happen!

5. Keep a DAILY journal of your gratitude and positive experiences happening in your life.  The more you notice, the more you are aware, the more great things will come to you.  My journal from the last month looked something like this: I met with my Oncologist and he said (happily and awe-struck) to, “keep doing what I was doing” (even though he originally wanted me to take one of his horrific drugs which I declined), a parking spot opened up for me twice the same day when there were literally no spots for miles, I found a $50 gift card in my purse that I had for a year and it worked!

Find gratitude for all this is offered to you.  In this world, we are all so busy, running from event to event that we miss most of what we are experiencing.  This is more than just living in the moment.  No.  You need to stop. And experience the moment.  This is a constant battle for me and I get wrapped up in this life as the rest of us do.  That is why your awareness will help to slow you down a bit, and experience all the wonder of your every day life that is happening.

One of the best phrases my friend and life coach, Lucinda Smith of the Un-Learning Center, shared with me was, “I have all the time I need.”  I was constantly rushing, always reaching some sort of deadline, or rushing to get to an appointment and each time I would get anxious and feel like life was just crazy hectic.  All I have to do is say that to myself in my head, “I have all the time I need.”  And it instantly takes that stress away, the need to rush is gone, and I stay calm.  Try it!!!!  It really does work!


6. Stay true to yourself.  With everything.  For me it was believing in myself and knowing what my body needed.  It was letting go of fear and focusing on how to heal myself and how to stop cancer from spreading.  And it was standing up for myself when the entire medical community didn’t believe in what I was doing regarding treatments.  But I just knew that this was the path I needed to take.  And it is working.  For other’s it may be knowing that you are stronger than those that try to tear you down with their words, or paving your own way through life because it feels right.

7. Each day is a new day, create your goal, work towards that goal, revise that goal…you are a work in progress and constantly evolving.  This act has kept me on track.  Months ago I created a goal.  Every day I thought about that goal first thing in the morning. And my actions and choices during the day were based on that goal. And I felt great!  After a while, that goal didn’t feel quite right any longer, so I revised it. And that felt great too! And then, that goal no longer felt right, so I changed that goal completely, and that felt awesome!  As we grow, as we become more aware, we may grow out of our first goal or it may need a little tweaking.  That is good.  That is life.  That is what we are meant to do.  Keep growing.  Keep expanding.

I know I am blessed to be here today and to be living the life I am living. I know that you are blessed and that you are surrounded by love and every day “gifts” that are abundant!  What better time to start working on changing our lives for the better than January 1st?!!!

Cheers to a wonderous 2015!

Life is beautiful.

